We hope you were able to find the feature on your device and now know how to use it to your advantage.Ĭheck out more of our Zoom guides including 7 Zoom tests to perform before your next meeting or what to do when your Zoom microphone isn’t working to help you navigate the application. The raise hand feature is a quick and easy way to catch the host’s attention in a Zoom meeting, compared to raising your physical hand or unmuting your microphone to request to speak. Meeting hosts can also view all the participants who raised their hands in the Zoom meeting by selecting the raised hand icon on the screen, or look for the Raised Hand icon next to the participants in the Participants menu. The last thing you should know about views is that there are a couple of ways to zoom in or out of your document, making things. The default setting is 100 percent, but you can choose another percentage to zoom in for a. On your Android phone or iPhone, tap on the Participants tab, tap on the user’s name, and select Lower Hand from the popup menu. You can zoom your document to change its magnification setting. Note: If you’re the meeting host, you can lower a participant’s hand by selecting Participants from the meeting controls, and then hover over the participant’s name and select Lower Hand. To lower your hand using a keyboard shortcut, press Alt+Y on your Windows PC or Mac, and then toggle the Lower Hand option to Off.